The Beauty of Moths

Using gold and silver gel pens on black paper, we will create a

beautiful two-toned drawing of a series of moths, both realistic and

fanciful in design.

Koi Pond Watercolor

Capture the colorful activity of a Koi swimming the surface

waters with this step-by-step technique.  Learn wet-in-wet

watercolor and how to paint realistic water reflections.


Scratchboard Animals

Etch a beautiful high-contrast animal on an inked surface and see hot to render realistic fur, eyes, highlights and



3-color Pet Prints

Just as a printing press layers color after color to create an image, attendees will design and cut apart a styrofoam embossed image into various color plates and print a pet graphic!

*Great for iRead theme, Level Up at Your Library

 25 person limit, 1.5 hours, all materials provided.  
For teens, adults or family groups. 
Most workshops $350 unless otherwise stated. 


Painted Acrylic Birds

Join in the joy as we paint our fine feathered friends in acrylics! In this workshop each participant will choose just a handful of colors to paint the bird of their choice as we concentrate on design and value.  

Ink & Watercolor Pollinators

Embossed Aluminum Design

Artists will emboss intricate designs on aluminum, enhancing them with a rich antique finish. Vibrant colored pencil borders will transform each piece into a stunning, one-of-a-kind work of art.

Delicious Desserts!

Join in as we take a look at the food art of oil painter Wayne Thiebaud and render a sweet treat in oil pastels!


Contemporary Inuit Art

Following the style of Inuit artist Kenojuak Ashevak, attendees will transform Alaskan animals into fancifully designed creatures using repetitive elements and a limited color palette. 

Bees, butterflies, bats, or hummingbirds. Pick a pollinator and create a unique painting using fine line markers and watercolor. Work from grey tones to full color!

Oil Pastel Portraits

Using the sophisticated, elongated style of artist Modigliani, attendees will learn techniques of employing pleasing textures and colorful shading in oil pastels.


Tiny Watercolor Birds

Attendees are invited to paint up to three birds on notecard-sized paper in watercolors.  Step-by-step instructions will show how to proceed from light to dark in color, and add details to finish off the painting.  Relaxing and fun!

Adult & Teen Art Workshops

Wildflower Garden

Whatever the weather, blooms are bursting in our wildflower garden. Learn how to paint wet-in-wet with watercolors and use one-stroke brushwork for petals, leaves and grasses in acrylics.  It's wild!